Reviews of the latest travel accessories and gear.

Wendy Gavinski Designs Divas SnowGear for the Snow Girl in You
- Heather Cassell
- October 25, 2015
How many times has this happened to you: You’re going out snowmobiling and you realize you don’t have a thing to wear?
Okay, maybe it’s never happened to you. It’s never happened to me, either. But it could: over 1.4 million snowmobiles (“sleds,” to those in the know) are registered in this country, and the numbers are growing. Women are making up an increasing percentage of the total, and so every year, more and more women find themselves ready to hit the trails with almost literally nothing to wear.
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Wojo Wallet Is Ready for Action Day & Night Anywhere in the World, Anytime
- Heather Cassell
- July 5, 2015
Girls That Roam loves the Wojo Wallet. Where has it been all this time when we’ve been trying to figure out where to put our cards, cash, and keys getting ready to head out the door for a bike ride or run or simply to take a jaunt shopping in the neighborhood or pairing down for a night out?
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Pappeal’s Bags Appealing For Travelers
- Heather Cassell
- July 20, 2014
Searching for an inexpensive, but durable bag while traveling? You might not want to overlook Pappeal’s backpacks and duffle and messenger bags.
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