Day: January 5, 2018

Lucky Girl Gets Flight To Herself
- Heather Cassell
- January 5, 2018
“I got a whole plane to myself when I was accidentally booked on a flight just meant for moving crew,” she captioned her Reddit post Wednesday.
Blame it on the “bomb cyclone” hitting the East Coast and overworked airline agents scrambling to rebook passengers or just sheer dumb luck: She got a deal!
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25 Years Of Adventures With The Women’s Travel Group
- Heather Cassell
- January 5, 2018
“It’s every traveler’s dream to get to Timbuktu,” said Phyllis, 70, founder of The Women’s Travel Group. “It’s such a cool name and it’s such a weird and remote place.”
Reaching Timbuktu in Mali, a West African nation, is one of her most memorable trips.
“That night we sat around on the grass,” dirty and drinking beers, “Saying, ‘I can’t believe we got to Timbuktu.’ That was the coolest feeling,” she said.
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Queer Comedy Show Will Benefit Sonoma School Destroyed By Fire
- Heather Cassell
- January 5, 2018
Quoting Oscar Wilde, he said, “Life is too important to be taken seriously.”
“Having comedians joking around and helping by making people laugh is completely appropriate and I’m eternally grateful,” he said, noting that it isn’t so much the money being raised, but “the feeling that people care.”
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